Studying while kids are in school 3 hours…

Studying while kids are in school – 3 hours: notes, project, code – done.
Last 1/2 hour of today’s course after Kids get home – I have stopped 12 times in 30 minutes to deal with something Keira is getting into. And I have been interrupted 4 times by Riley telling me her iCrap won’t connect to our WiFi again!

As I was studying in the temple my…

As I was studying in the temple my master asked “my child, why are you angry“. I bowed my head “I tried to leave my anger at the door, but it seems to have followed me in.”
My wise master led me to the door “Go outside and try to leave just a little of your anger behind before you return.”
I walked out and took a deep breath, as I walked back my Master spoke *“Anger only hurts you, it does not harm the other person.” Then he leaned in and whispered “and if you can leave it all behind, the bastard doesn‘t win.”
*Alternative ending: “Have you left some of your anger behind?”
“Yes, Master”
“Good. Now repeat until you have left it all behind.”

Good to know The MIND diet includes ten…

Good to know:
The MIND diet includes ten brain-healthy food groups, but you don’t need to eat each daily.
Every day:
□ Whole grains (three or more servings)
□ Leafy greens (one serving)
□ Other veggies (one or more servings)
□ Glass of wine (opt for red)
Most days:
□ Nuts (like almonds and walnuts)
□ Olive oil (as main cooking oil)
Every other day:
□ Beans Twice a week or more:
□ Blueberries or strawberries
□ Poultry At least once a week:
□ Fish Limit these foods:
Butter (less than one tablespoon per day)
Fast food and fried food (less than one serving per week)
Full-fat cheese (less than one serving per week)
Red meat (less than four times per week)
Pastries and sweets (less than five servings per week)