Good to know The MIND diet includes ten…

Good to know:
The MIND diet includes ten brain-healthy food groups, but you don’t need to eat each daily.
Every day:
□ Whole grains (three or more servings)
□ Leafy greens (one serving)
□ Other veggies (one or more servings)
□ Glass of wine (opt for red)
Most days:
□ Nuts (like almonds and walnuts)
□ Olive oil (as main cooking oil)
Every other day:
□ Beans Twice a week or more:
□ Blueberries or strawberries
□ Poultry At least once a week:
□ Fish Limit these foods:
Butter (less than one tablespoon per day)
Fast food and fried food (less than one serving per week)
Full-fat cheese (less than one serving per week)
Red meat (less than four times per week)
Pastries and sweets (less than five servings per week)