You can tell the type of Geek by…

You can tell the type of Geek by a persons favorite Star Trek series.
The question is always asked before any discussion about any series starts.
And the question is asked without any pretext.
You simply say: ‘Original Series, TNG or DS9?’
You will receive an immediate answer.
If they say OS then they’re old school hand coders and don’t manage change well.
TNG want to know anything new. Typically early adapters and willing to work with anything that makes coding faster and easier.
DS9 – serious ADD. Not only early adapters, but typically creating the new technology.
We all hand code, talk code and live by Starfleet Regulations.
NOTE: If they say Enterprise or Voyager. They are not Authentic Geeks. They’re Wannabe Geeks, probably only into cosplay, probably more Dungeons & Dragons type. No mad skills.