Possible Post for StuckAtHomeMom com Anyone else afraid…

Possible Post for StuckAtHomeMom.com
Anyone else afraid of IQ drain caused by listening to Sarah Palin?
I am one of the least intelligent people I know. If you have read any of my previous posts I don’t have to tell you that I have terrible spelling, my grammar / punctuation skills are non-existent and quite literally I have no education to speak of, sometimes even I’m surprised that I can form a sentence. I hate history, politics, and just reading in general. Flashing lights hold my attention. Do you understand?!?!?
I can afford to listen to Palin, I can’t afford the IQ drain.
Palin Quote “What Barack Obama seems to want to do is go back to before those days when we were in different classes based on income, based on color of skin.”
She does realize that Obama is BLACK – right? Or at least half of him is, but regardless he’s black enough that he’d be on the lower end of the classes. Unless Obama wants to put Whites at the lower end, however HALF of him is WHITE! So he’d be screwed either way.
I mean we already know he likes gays and Hispanics, he nominated one to become a judge. And “Radical Islamic” isn’t exactly a race or class – so that can’t be it.
I have a day dream of become a Billionaire and buying Fox news. In my day dream I walk into their head quarters and hand the keys over to either the Huffington post or The Daily Show – haven’t figured out which one I trust more. BUT my one request is that they stop any and all coverage of any Palin on the planet unless they die!
Can’t you hear Brian Williams “Today billionaire eDee Bruns hand full control of the Fox News Network over to John Steward” then Brian’s voice drops just a little so you …. assume he’s joking …… “under the stipulation of a Full Media Black Out of Sarah Palin” and he’ll add “Mrs. Bruns, I‘m looking into the cost of the NBC Nightly news – I‘ll get back to you.”
And the entire nation would wonder if Mr. Williams had just made a joke or if aliens had taken over his mind.
I think we need a slogan – I’m terrible with these, give me a hand – something like “Prevent Irreversible Brain Damage – MUTE Palin”
“MUTE Palin – because your mind is terrible thing to waste”
“This is your Brain. This is your Brian on Palin” sizzle “Any Questions?”