JavaScript written out http barefootmarket com javascript javascript2…

JavaScript written out.
First Button:
in this document, get this ID (“firstId”) and when someone clicks on the button do this function {
still in this document, get this next ID (“secondId”) changed the HTML to what follows between the ” ” because this is the function that is done when the button is clicked.
Second Button:
in this document, get this ID (“indicatiedID”) and when someone clicks on the button do this function {
still in this document, get this next ID (“secondIndicatedId”) and change the HTML to what is still in this document, still using the (“secondIndicatedID”) to add what is in the ” ” to the end, because that is what should happen with the button is clicked.
Third Button:
in this document, get this ID (“indicatiedID”) and when someone clicks on the button do this function {
still in this document, get this next ID (“thirdIndicatedId”) in the HTML add what is in the ” ” before what is still in this document, still using the (“thirdIndicatedID”) to add what is in the ” ” to the end, because that is what should happen with the button is clicked.